Training of local leaders on disaster management skills
CCOAIB “Conseil de Concertation des Organisations d'Appui aux Initiatives de Base” commissioned RCSD Consultants Ltd to prepare and deliver a training on disaster management skills. This training was held in three days from 12-13/10/2022 at Moon’s charity, at Nyagatare. 30 local leaders mostly from sectors and district administration attended the training. At the end of the training, local leaders will set commitments to ensure improved community climate resilience.
In addition to training on disaster management skills, climate change mitigating and adaption, leaders brainstormed on the following: Overview on climate change (globally and nationally), Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change, Overview on negative effects of disasters (on social, environment and economy life of the country, Understanding agro-ecology (and how to gradually reduce chemicals), Tips and techniques to manage disaster and Role of leaders in fighting and in leading citizens in fighting against the disasters. The training course was run in a workshop style with a high degree of participants’ involvement. Adult learning methodologies were employed, and participants were not passive. Debate and open discussions were encouraged. The trainer used a mix of presentations to define and explain key concepts and practical exercises.