Capacity building of CSOs’ on advocacy for climate change
CCOAIB “Conseil de Concertation des Organisations d'Appui aux Initiatives de Base” commissioned RCSD Consultants Ltd to prepare and deliver a training on advocacy for climate change and was held from 3 to 4/10/2022 at Olympic Hotel, Kigali. 39 Participants/CSOs from Kirehe, Nyagatare, Nyaruguru and Nyamagabe districts attended the training. The purpose of the training was to discuss, agree and joint planning of key advocacy topics and action plan with consistent methodology in their respective districts. SMART Indicators and targets to be measured at the end of the project have been established by the participants. RCSD used adult learning methods, by combining theories and practices. Participants were much involved. The trainer played a role of facilitator and allow participants to learn from each other by sharing past experience and views in addition to new methods they will learn from the facilitator.
The training course was run in a workshop style with a high degree of participants’ involvement. Adult learning methodologies were employed, and participants were highly active. Debate and open discussions were encouraged. The trainer used a mix of presentations to define and explain key concepts, group discussion and individual assignment facilitated by facilitators.