Mid-Term Evaluation for Sustainable Livelihoods in Horticulture value chains project (HVC

Rwanda is focusing on developing agricultural exports through supporting the increased productivity & quality of prioritized agri-export value chains. The National Agricultural Development Export Board (NAEB) has committed to reach USD 1 billion by the end of 2024 with USD 205 million (or 21%) Horticulture share1. Rwanda Strategic Plan for Agricultural Transformation (PSTA 4) focuses on facilitating private sector investment in fruits and vegetable production though upgrading provision of SPS/quality standards as well as supporting demonstration of better technologies such as green houses, hydroponics, and other small-scale irrigation solutions.

To contribute to the targets above, under EU and Irish Aid financing, Oxfam in Rwanda in partnership with COCOF, DUHAMIC-ADRI, and DUTERIMBERE ONG, is implementing a 4-year project entitled “Sustainable Livelihoods in Horticulture Value Chains (2020-2024)” in the districts of Nyagatare (5 sectors), Kamonyi (5 sectors), Rulindo (4 sectors), and Nyamagabe (4 sectors). The project is funded to unlock the potential of Rwanda’s horticultural value chains (HVC), to sustainably supply safe and high-quality products to the local, regional, and international markets. It is expected that the project will reduce food losses, increase value chain efficiencies, improve food security, and promote entrepreneurial smallholders to use climate-smart technologies2.

Therefore, OXFAM commissioned RCSD to conduct a Mid-Term review. The evaluation applied participatory approach and followed OECD DAC criteria and covered the following evaluation criteria i) relevance, ii) effectiveness (iii) efficiency and iv) sustainability. It should reply to the following indicative evaluation questions.


1 NAEB's Strategic Business Plan 2019-2024

2 Project Proposal

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